Friday, October 17, 2008

The Secret Lives of Soccer Moms

Here's a good opening...a bunch of soccer moms were waiting for their kids at soccer practice and started talking politics. It should be noted that not one of them was wearing lipstick.

This is a true story...the subject of Sarah Palin came up. I fully expected comments such as "I like her - she's just like me", "it's about time we had someone sticking up for woman", "she's a breath of fresh air"...

Instead I heard - "She offends me in the worst possible way", "Interesting that she supports special needs families when she cut special needs funding in Alaska BEFORE she had her baby", "I have three children at home - do you mean to tell me if I got pregnant and my life was at risk Palin would expect me to die and leave my other three children without a mother because she doesn't believe in ANY form of abortion?"...

On the flip side, several of them commented that their husband's think she's hot!

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